Paintings by Gustavo Rojas Filter by Year Paintings 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1998 Si salgo de aquí es porque allá estoy / If I leave here it is because I am thereRead moreFeliz encuentro, amarga despedida / Happy meeting, bitter farewellRead moreNoche de luna / Moonlit NightRead moreGuerrero / WarriorRead moreHomenaje al desconocido / Homage to the UnknownRead moreEnergía / EnergyRead moreConversación / ConversationRead moreRecuerdos que nunca volverán / Memories That Will Never ReturnRead moreEn tus alturas / In Your HeightsRead moreEn ese tiempo podías hacerlo todo / In That Time You Could Do EverythingRead moreVen, despierta, este es nuestro mundo / Come, wake up, this is our worldRead moreAl borde del abismo / At the Edge of the AbyssRead moreCómo decirte si sé que te irás / How to Tell You If I Know You Will LeaveRead moreSueños de una noche de ansiedad/ Dreams of a night of anxietyRead moreDanza ritual / Ritual DanceRead moreDe todos modos / So AnywayRead moreTú, yo y la ciudad / You, Me and the CityRead morePaisaje / LandscapeRead moreGota / DropRead moreNariguera / Ear nouseRead more Load More Loading More... You’ve reached the end of the list Subscribe Now Subscribe to our newsletter and receive latest updates. Submit